Monday, September 25, 2017

Tuesday Tales - Coat

It`s time for Tuesday Tales.

Today we have a snippet from a new MM hockey romance book, Lost in Indigo. In this excerpt, Mathieu Beresford first lays eyes on the all grown up Indigo Neu at the airport after being discharged from the hospital.

Our word prompt today is “Coat”.

This story may have gay erotic scenes, strong social issues addressed and mature language. If those things offend now is the time to move onto another Tuesday Tales blog. Thanks for stopping by!

Some kid ran past, screaming for his mother, nearly knocking my stupid crutch out from under my arm. I called him something bad in French but it sounded wrong to me.

“Did I say that right?” I asked Arn.

“Not a clue. I don’t speak French. My native tongue is Detroit, remember?”

“Ah yes, you speak fluent Motor City!” I laughed aloud for some bizarre reason.

Arn chuckled the entire way to the baggage claim, which is where I first saw the grown-up version of Indigo Neu. Maybe it was the pain killer still clouding my brain, but I don’t truly think it was. Indigo was the most compelling, attractive, outlandish man that I had ever seen. That cute flight attendant?

He was a slug in comparison to Indigo Neu. The kid had grown up well. Tall as me but much leaner, he stood beside Montclair, and while you could see the father in the son, the similarity in chins and the ebony hair were immediately cannonballed by the huge difference in appearance.

Montclair was all sturdy, dependable, workman with short black hair and dressed in jeans, short-sleeved cotton shirt, and work boots. Indigo was…well, I wasn’t sure what he was trying to say with his clothes or the makeup. I could see he’d put eyeliner on and colored his lips. Maybe they were just outlined and that deep pink color was natural. Kissing him would reveal the truth. Suddenly I needed to plant my lips to his more than I needed to suck in another breath. 

Arn said something. The guy beside him laughed. I stared.

Indigo’s hair was spiked up around a small black hat. A derby I think they’re called. This one had a blue and black checkered band that reminded me of hats the British police wear. His shirt was kind of a dress. I mean, of course it wasn’t a dress because men don’t wear dresses, but it sure looked like one. It was checkered like the band of his hat and hung to his knees. I had owned a coat that had that same pattern once. Flannel it had been. Warm. Soft. Probably like his lips...

Christ above but his mouth was perfection. I shook free of the spell his mouth held me in but fell right back into the lure of Indigo as my eyes continued touching him. There were no sleeves on his jumper dress thing, so his bronze arms were exposed. Nice arms they were, well-toned. I balanced on my crutches staring at his biceps for ages. Arn was talking to someone beside me as bags moved past.

My eyes got dry. I blinked and ran my gaze from Indigo’s arms to his legs. I love nice long legs on a man and even that part of the college sophomore didn’t disappoint. His black legging shorts stopped mid-calf. He wore blue combat boots with black laces. Not getting enough info, my sight roamed back up him and settled on his mouth. He wet his lips and a rush of pure lust hit me in the groin.

Copyright 2017 ©by V.L. Locey


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Jean Joachim Books said...

Wow! Love the description of Indigo. I can see him standing before me. Looking forward to where the story goes from here.

Flossie Benton Rogers said...

Ooh, he is a goner for sure. I was right there looking at him with your descriptions, and the joke about speaking Detroit and Motor City--so clever! Looking forward to more.

V.L. Locey said...

Yep, he's a goner. =D Thanks for visiting Jean and Flossie.

Jillian said...

woohoo! Hot man!!

and I loved this! “Not a clue. I don’t speak French. My native tongue is Detroit, remember?”

“Ah yes, you speak fluent Motor City!” I laughed aloud for some bizarre reason.

V.L. Locey said...

Tee-hee. Hot man indeed, Jillian! =D

Susanne Matthews said...

Well done. Incredible description of both the character and the effect it has on the man salivating over him. Love the fluent Motor City comment too.

Tricia said...

Wow! That was an incredible description. And as much as he idolized his lips, I wanted to kiss Indigo. Great job!

Trisha Faye said...

Wow, Vicki, you can sure channel a hot, lusty gay guy. Fanning myself over here. Your writing is amazing!

V.L. Locey said...

Thank you all for the kind words.