Monday, November 12, 2018

Tuesday Tales - Picture Prompt

It’s time for Tuesday Tales!

Welcome back! This week is our picture prompt week and all posts must be 300 words or under and reflect the chosen image. Today we have a snippet from my secret NANOWRIMO project. I can’t reveal much about this story as it will ruin the ending of Tales of Bryant, but I can say it’s a sequel to Isamu and Brian’s short tales in the Bryant collection, which is coming out April 10, 2019. But that’s all I’m saying. *zips lips*

I glanced at my watch again as Brian dicked round looking at cheeses. Did he not recall that we had to be at JFK at 9:47 sharp to pick up Baba? That we’d even pulled into this high-priced cheese shop on the way to the airport had set my teeth grinding. Baba was not keen on waiting. She felt it was greatly disrespectful to be late, and I kind of agreed. Also, God knows what kind of trouble a tiny old woman from Japan could get into if left alone to wander through JFK.

“Why are we buying brie?” I snapped. He threw a chilly look my way and resumed speaking to the cheese seller. I threw my hands into the air and was about to channel Adrian when Brian whispered beside my ear.

“We’re buying cheese to serve with the artisan crackers and wine when we get your grandmother home. Why are you being so melodramatic?"

I choked on my outrage and then sulked in line until all the cheeses were purchased and wrapped in some sort of designer burlap. Why cheese in burlap? Upscale Manhattan stores did the oddest things sometimes.

Brian tugged open the door of the waiting limo he’d borrowed from his company’s fleet. The warm summer air pulled at his soft brown hair. I flounced inside, sat down, and crossed my arms and legs. He placed the green-and-white checkered tote on the floor beside his sandals and told the driver to continue on his way to the airport.

“Why are you in such a mood?” he finally asked after I’d worn out my pout.

“You have no idea how critical my grandmother is.”

Thanks so much for dropping by!

Copyright 2018 ©by V.L. Locey


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Susanne Matthews said...

Love it. I flounced inside. What an image. Great job.

Jean Joachim Books said...

Love this sneak peek into their everyday lives. Yes, Manhattan stores can do some strange things when wrapping purchases. Can't wait to meet the grandmother! Well done.

Cathy Brockman said...

Great snippet

Trisha Faye said...

I love their interactions and his pouty mood - but now I want to meet Baba!

Tricia said...

I love these two! Their banter is awesome! Great job!

Flossie Benton Rogers said...

Great snippet! Love the tiny old woman from Japan line!