Friday, October 5, 2018

The Perils of Penelope Pantser Round Two

I am finally, finally, finally done with Touch of a Yellow Sun. Excuse me while I slither from my chair to the floor like an exhausted asp. *slips silently to floor*

The last time I had to rework a story to this degree was Open Net. That was all Sal’s fault. Good thing I love Augie’s man so much or I’d have been cross with him. I have a cubic butt-load of books to my credit, and most fly along at a remarkable speed. Not this one. And I know that all the serious plotters out there are giving me “That Look” and thinking that yes, anyone who writes as organically as I do, is a big ole fool. After numerous revisions, I might tend to agree with them. Pity my muse does not.

Actually, the problem with Yellow Sun wasn’t the story line, it was one character. Marek. Yeah, my leading man decided that midway through the book he had to change a few things about himself. Mostly having to do with how he and his mother interact. He put me through my paces, let me tell you. Then there was something he didn’t like about a pivotal plot point, and when you get to know Marek, you’ll understand what a bullhead he can be about things. So, we had to rewrite and move major portions of the book around to appease Mr. Man. *sighs*

That’s the curse of being an organic writer. Sometimes when you’re letting the characters decide how things run, they act up. Many will lead you down a side path that ends up somewhere south of “How Did We End Up Here?” and others will just flatly refuse to let the story flow. This was Marek. I should have known going in he’d be a bugger. He’s one of those players who loves to stir the pot. Obviously that stirring also extends to his creator. Thank goodness, Shey, our yogi and Marek’s love, was far easier to deal with.

Characters, sheesh!

Touch of a Yellow Sun, Colors of Love #2, will be available Feb.27th provided Marek doesn’t throw himself again. Here’s the working blurb to wet your whistle a wee bit.

It's been a rough couple of years for Marek Hafer, roaming hockey protagonist and pugilistic expert. Ending up in Berger Lake, Pennsylvania, on a financially unstable minor league team might just be the ending his wretched career deserves. On the other side of thirty, Marek knows his time on skates is dwindling. His goal now is to spend a few quiet years playing for the Berger Lake Badgers, knock a few helmets together as needed, and then call it quits before his salty personality gets him booted out of hockey permanently.

After a bloody encounter his first night on the ice, the Badgers coach suggests that Marek find a way to lower his violent tendencies before he’s sent packing yet again. That decree leads Marek to knock on the door of his next-door neighbor, Shey Pierson, the owner of Sun Touch Yoga Studio. Shey ticks every box Marek has with his soft blue eyes, flowing golden hair, and long limber legs. The only problem is that Shey is yin to Marek’s yang.

Can a man famed for throwing punches find serenity in the arms of a man known for his tranquil ways?

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Looking forward to this. Always a joy to see a macho macho man be chilled by love. Just my assumption of course.